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Why do some people support the death penalty? - Part 2

 There are mainly 3 opinions which the majority of the supporters have:

1. Execution is the only way criminals can compensate their victim(s).
2. It has deterrent effect on crime.
3. It is cheaper than life sentence.

Hello, today, I am going to be explaining if these facts are actually true.

1. Execution is the only way criminals can compensate their victims(s).

False. Actually, "many family members of murder victims have become increasingly outspoken over the years in their opposition to the death penalty(death penalty information centre, date unknown)". It is because even after the execution, they have not felt any sense of closure or compensation. At the end, most of the families have answered that they do not feel relived by executing the criminal.

2. It has deterrent effect on crime.

False. There are no clear evidences that crime rates have decreased nor increased by having the system. It is true that many people/government claim that death penalty has such an detterant effect, yet, several studies by criminology experts show that it doesn't. 

3. It is cheaper than life sentence.

False Many people assume that the state saves money by employing the death penalty since an executed person no longer requires confinement, health care, and related expenses. But in the modern application of capital punishment, that assumption has been proven wrong. The death penalty is much more expensive than a system utilizing life-without-parole sentences as an alternative punishment. Some of the reasons for the high cost of the death penalty are the longer trials and appeals required when a person’s life is on the line, the need for more lawyers and experts on both sides of the case, and the relative rarity of executions.


1. death penalty information centre



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