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Countdown to an execution - Last 24 hours and the process of the death penalty

I am sure that a lot of people now know that the moethods of executions. But what about the process of the execution? Where are the sentenced ciminals actually get executed? Do they get to know the date? What about their family? Do they face the execution of their own family?

Let's go deep into this toppic.

- Final 24 hours of death row inmates in the U.S. -

Death row inmates spend an average of 20 years in prison, waiting for the execution date. When it is their final hours until the execution day, they have to follow a very specific routine and spend time with a terrifying precision. 

"Dr Allen Ault, former director of corrections, Georgia, has presided over five executions.

He said: "The policy book prescribes a schedule that's hour by hour and even minute by minute - everything you do with the inmate, everything you do in the executin chamber, the way you handle witnesses and the victim's family.

"The routine you go through is exactly the same." (Lavender, Jane, 2021).



The day before the execution, the sentenced criminal gets moved to a different facility where is the place of execution. It is knowns as the death house. It is the last time they see the sunlight. As soon as they arrive, the preparation starts. The prisoner is handcuffed and thoroughly searched to make sure they do not have any weapons not only for making sure that they do not harm others but also taking their lives by themselves. 

To be continued..


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