- Wrongful conviction -
Threats were not only through messages but also someone has shot the car once Matt has driven and another one was attempting to break in their house. Not only the convicted person but also their family's life changes too. They had to sell the house and move away. She also talks about the sadness and ignorance of people7s atittude towards internet that they could be so careless about hurting someone.
Was there every a time where you doubted Matt’s innocence? Can you tell us why or why not?
She said that she knew the very second that I heard about he was not involved in such a crime, but at the same time, there were some thoughts made her confused and emotional. Later, they had a private visit with Matt, he told them what happened on the day, there were many truth and facts which could reainforce his innocence.
Why do you want the death penalty to be ended?
A civilized country which is the place we are supposed to be living - she says. Nobody has rights to take any lives away. She is experiencing the horrer of not being able to be listened and stop the execution. "We were all victims. As sure as the murdered girl was. Exept Matt's murder could have been stopped before it was too late". Even they can prove his innocence now, he can never come back. Why does the country still have such a system which could be a murder if the person was judged wrongfully.
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