PART 2 - Government support for maintaining the death penalty
According to, the Ministry of Justice claims that the death penalty should not be abolished in Japan, which is why Japanese government has not signed "the second optional protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" ( 2015).
Although there has been political activism claiming the abolition of death penalty, a cross-party parliamentarians group was inaugurated to promote the abolition of capital punishment. This parlimentary league has been a vocal opponent of executions in Japan, and they have been promoting the implementation of a lifelong incarceration penalty as an alternitive.
Opinions that emaphasize the rights of victim's family's feelings attracted a lot of people to support the death penalty in Japan. Although crime rates such as murders are decreasing to the lowest level every year, there are still many murders that involve killing children or younger ages which is recongnized as one of the societal issues of Japan.
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